How Do I Create a Business Email?


How do i create a business email

This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer the most commonly asked questions related to small business websites.

Today’s question is, “How do I create a business email?” I see so many small businesses for example, “,” first of all, what on earth are you using a Juno email address still? Second of all, even if you have or, it doesn’t look as professional when you have

The reality is that it’s quite simple to get a very professional looking email address, just go to your domain name provider or manager. Do not use GoDaddy. Go to your domain name manager, I recommend Hover and actually buy a domain or whoever is maintaining it or go to your web developer. They can easily create an email address for whomever you want and the trick is that email needs a place to live, all the data of the email so you can easily use Gmail or another service like Yahoo that you’re already using or you’ve already created. Just use the same one but with the cover of your professional business email. It’s that easy.

Let’s all look a little more professional. Shall we?

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